PlasticsEurope targets
clean waters

'Together we must save our oceans from litter'. That was the theme of Polytalk 2018. This year, the international event was held at the Westin Dragonara resort in Malta on 26 and 27 April. Organisational responsibilities fell for the second time to D'M&S and we made sure everything went smoothly.

European plastics federation

PlasticsEurope is the primary federation of plastics manufacturers. The members produce more than 90% of all plastics in Europe. The federation promotes the advantages of plastics, provides European and national governments with information and encourages partnerships and research.

PlasticsEurope also works intensively with international organisations that wish to tackle the problem of waste in the world’s oceans. That was the theme of Polytalk.

Polytalk: sustainability event

PlasticsEurope is the force that drives Polytalk. The main theme of this biennial conference, which was held in Malta in April, was the problem of plastic waste in the oceans. The campaign visual reflected that. A solution can certainly be found, provided we find ways to manufacture plastic products in a sustainable way and, particularly, to recycle them.

World-class event with distinguished visitor

After Polytalk 2016 our event team also organised the 2018 edition. From the words of welcome by Maltese environment minister José A. Herrera and the introductory speech by PlasticsEurope president Daniele Ferrari to the keynote by EU commissioner for environment, maritime affairs and fisheries Karmenu Vella.

We ensured that all speakers, including moderator Karin Helmstaedt, made a good impression. The participants were able to follow the speeches and debates in the best conditions, interspersed by inspiring coffee breaks. The perfect end to a great day full of good news and full of flavour.