Explore the magical side
of POS marketing

You’ve no doubt been enticed by a striking cardboard display at the end of a supermarket aisle. Or the sweets display strategically placed by the checkout. Rest assured, you’re not the only one. That’s the whole point of POS marketing.

What’s POS marketing?

As the name suggests, point of sale marketing (to give it its full moniker) is used to support product and service sales in store. You’ll not be surprised to know that it’s all based on attracting the customer’s attention.

As well as driving sales, POS marketing can also be deployed to establish a direct line of communication with customers at the salespoint. The ideal way to present a specific message or USPs in an original way. It is also a form of merchandising, allowing companies to present their products attractively where they are sold.

How POS marketing influences impulse buys

We’ve all done it. In store you suddenly find yourself buying something on impulse. It wasn’t part of the plan but before you know it, it’s bought and paid for. You’re not even sure how it happened.

Studies show that both internal factors like emotions and external factors like environmental stimuli can trigger impulse buying. And POS material is nothing if it isn’t stimulating.

The combination of attractive product presentation and a perfectly formulated advertising message can be irresistible. When done well, POS material will catch consumers’ attention and push their buttons in all the right ways. They say you can’t be what you can’t see. Well, if you can’t see it, you can’t buy it either.