Vink and
the creative flow

Few people know that Vink also sells valves. So it was high time to announce it to the world. D’M&S developed a three-step concept visual, which we used in a direct mail and to decorate the Vink fair stand.

Intermediate goods distributor in the spotlight

Vink is a plastic intermediate distributor with Europe’s biggest range. Piping systems, thermoharders, assembly materials, hoses, facade cladding, glazing materials, window films... Vink sticks a huge range. Not everyone knows that the company also stocks taps, devices that regulate the flow of liquids.

Vink asked us to develop a creative concept visual to tell engineers, fitters and other potential customers about its tap range.

Tapping into creativity

Our creatives designed a visual depicting a liquid gushing out of a tap with the tagline “Control every flow”. The liquid gushes in the form of a dragon, a group of galloping horses and birds in flight. The three-part concept visual immediately catches the eye, making it clear in tandem with the tagline that Vink taps offer optimal control.

We also used the visual in a foldout direct mail and in March Vink used the dragon version on the back wall of its stand at Pumps & Valves.