goes for short-form
In 2020 we set up a campaign to promote, the online platform for reporting child abuse in Brussels. Recently, we took the next step, producing a video for use online and in influencer marketing to raise children’s awareness of emotional abuse.
Video updates is the online platform ofVertrouwenscentrum Kindermishandeling in Brussels. The purpose of the website is to enable children who are suffering abuse or have questions about sexual or emotional abuse and neglect to chat with trained people. The chat is completely confidential. To convey that message (with a focus on emotional abuse) we produced a video based on the client’s footage, with a young, contemporary twist from our team.
Influencing influencers
We suggested using influencers to reach the target audience and persuade them to reach out for a chat. We selected a few credible profiles and made sure they knew exactly what was expected of them: creating awareness of the chat box, persuading kids to use the services of Vertrouwenscentrum Kindermishandeling, gaining their trust and generating conversions (a.k.a. getting them onto the website).
We incorporated the influencer videos into the online marketing campaign, which is targeted at children on social media.