Supple brand activation
for Flexadin

Flexadin is a nutritional supplement for dogs that enjoys a strong reputation among vets and pet owners. Now, the company behind the brand, Vetoquinol, has brought a similar supplement for cats to the Belgian and Dutch market. We ran a cross-media campaign in both countries to spread the news.


Fun concept

The campaign revolves around a striking visual: a dog and cat in an unusual yoga posture. We included two animals to make it clear that, from now on, Flexadin can be relied on to keep both canine and feline joints supple.

This great example of image editing at its best is used in a range of brand activation tools that are sure to boost demand for these nutritional supplements at vets.

TV: linear, addressable ads and sponsoring

The striking TV commercial is the focal point of the campaign. Our media planners rolled it out to viewers in Belgium and the Netherlands as addressable TV advertising (targeted at animal lovers), linear TV advertising (for everyone) and (animal-themed) program sponsorship. Enjoy the show!

Delighting vets and owners 

Along with the TV campaign, we created a range of tools to win vets and owners over to the brand and turn them into fans.

  • Magazine ads
  • Brochures, product leaflets and posters for waiting rooms
  • Medical information about dietary supplements for vets
  • Online marketing

A cross-media campaign on TV, in print and online.

Online marketing goodies

We also put the new Flexadin look in the digital spotlight with an online marketing blitz: from SEA to Facebook, from Instagram to YouTube. A nimble cross-media approach without needless posturing.