Stichting Tegen Kanker
presents an award show

Every other year Stichting Tegen Kanker presents Grants to scientists who offer a significant contribution to cancer research. This year, our event team turned this prestigious event into a stylish awards ceremony. A bull’s-eye.

The cancer research awards

Stichting Tegen Kanker had been toying with the idea of an awards ceremony to highlight the presentation of its Grants to the selected laureates. As a 360° event and communication agency, we took on the whole organisation of the event. But there’s more.

Offline and online
communication tools

An awards ceremony requires the right communication strategy, which we continued in offline and online communication tools. We developed an original concept visual and used this in the invitations, on the cover of the laureates book and online on the registration platform, where guests could register for the event with a unique code.

A fascinating event

How the event went? For the location we had selected the Brussels meeting centre SQUARE, where we welcomed 250 guests, including Maggie De Block. The presentation of the awards ceremony was in the hands of VRT news anchor Goedele Devroy and RTBF face Patrice Goldberg. Scala, the popular girl choir of the Kolacny brothers, provided the musical touch. We also saw to healthy entertainment in the form of water tasting.

And the winner is ...

The winners were announced at the end of the evening and the 21.6 million euro from generous donors was distributed over the 74 laureates. The perfect ending to a flawlessly organised and optimally communicated event.