Maximum commitment
with recognisable campaign

Quarry Life Award

How do we motivate as many people as possible to participate in the Quarry Life Award? This is what cement maker HeidelbergCement asked us in the run-up to the third edition of their international biodiversity competition. We simply took our existing campaign as a starting point and we gave the online platform a complete makeover.

Never change
a winning team

What if a previous campaign was an enormous success? No need to invent the wheel again, just bring it even closer to perfection. That is what we did for the Quarry Life Award. So far, animals called on researchers and students to turn in project proposals. And this was, yet again, a success in combination with calls to action such as ‘Join us!’ and ‘Please participate’.

online platform

Entrants can enrol and search for information on the revamped Quarry Life Award website. All in 13 languages. They can also add links to their own social media channels. The competition can even be accessed by anyone, around the world. Activate to the fullest and bring it even closer to perfection, remember?

Met een aansprekend concept en een activerende campagne geven we de doelgroep een flinke duw in de gewenste richting.