Oystershell is ready
for summer

Insect bites or burning sun. With the Picasol care products everyone can enjoy a worry-free holiday. On its newest website, pharmaceutical company Oystershell engaged in a battle with summer pests. We also provided the tools for promoting Picasol online.

Summery web platform

The new web platform had to put Picasol’s summer products in the picture in an informative and playful way. For the style of the website we were inspired by the offline tools (such as the packaging). Thanks to the clear design and content and the simple build-up, the visitor can find out everything about the anti-insect and sun protection products, and the unique 2-in-1 formula, in just a few scrolls. How we managed this? It’s simple.


From wireframes
to website

In the development of the site we first started with the wireframing. We drew the outlines of the navigation structure and subsequently matched these with the design. The layout was refreshed taking inspiration from the packaging with several colours, on the one hand to highlight the product properties and, on the other, to create a playful, summery feel. To make the product content and the benefits extra accessible, we also provided detailed FAQ and the option to publish testimonials of satisfied users.

Informing &

Informing and convincing the consumer (of the efficiency and the safety of the anti-insect spray) was top priority! Those who felt stimulated to purchase the product were referred to the pharmacy and other channels. As a finishing touch we filled the website with clear web copy, provided with the necessary call to actions. Interested? Check out www.picasol.eu.