Full circle
for Honda
Car manufacturer Honda has been organising the NHC Convention, a worldwide event Honda employees from more than 30 countries take part in, since 1973. Honda Belgium organised the local edition in Brussels in June. D’M&S designed a strong concept (image) and developed a whole range of offline communication tools.
Strong concept image
Honda Belgium organised the local NHC Convention in Brussels on 9, 10 and 11 June. We took care of the communication of this national event. We began with the design of a strong concept visual: hundreds of employees forming the Honda logo together. This visual was the basis for all communication material we produced subsequently.
Development of offline communication tools
Our communication experts developed a range of tools, such as posters, lanyards with information cards, roll-up banners, ‘good luck’ postcards for the hotel rooms, stickers, pens, price certificates and even the awards the (winning) teams received. These ultramodern, glass cubes are engraved internally for an optimum 3D effect. Powerful, clear and uniform communication to employees was created by consistently continuing the basic concept of the competition in the various tools and gadgets. This way Honda informed and activated its employees optimally, and the company positioned itself as an involved employer.