Fujirebio passes
the test with flying colours
Fujirebio developed a new test that detects Alzheimer’s disease at an early stage. The health care company asked us to develop an online strategy to raise awareness among both the general public and medical professionals and to activate both groups.
in diagnostic tests
Fujirebio was founded in Tokyo in 1950 and since then, the health care company has grown into an international group with over 1200 employees in Asia, Europe and the US. The company develops in-vitro diagnostics (IVDs) for laboratories, which are diagnostic tests used by laboratory technicians to analyse samples outside the body. D’M&S had already created a new website for Fujirebio that consisted of both a European and a US version. Now they also called in our help for the development of a microsite and a B2B landing page that highlights a new test for an early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s.
Increasing the public awareness
Biomarkers are chemical substances or components in tissue or body fluids that tell us what is going on in the body. Fujirebio developed a lumbar puncture test based on biomarkers that assesses the risk of Alzheimer’s. To make the existence of this test known to the general public, our online experts created the microsite www.alzheimer-clarity.info. With this site, we want to increase the awareness around Alzheimer’s and the new test. The website, which works also perfectly on mobile devices, explains briefly and clearly what Alzheimer’s and the test are about, why an early detection is crucial and how the test works. As Fujirebio’s target group is quite international, we made 6 language versions.
Boosting b2b conversions
Apart from the microsite, we also developed the landing page www2.fujirebio-europe.com/Alzheimer-whitepaper. This is where professionals land through a SEA campaign. They can download a whitepaper on the importance of the new biomarker test in the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s. While the microsite aims to raise awareness among the general public, the landing page mainly focuses on generating conversions among professionals from the medical sector. The goal is that as many visitors as possible download the whitepaper in exchange for leaving their contact details. As the contact form is linked to a CRM system, these details immediately end up in a smart and dynamic marketing automation system.
Second chance with remarketing banners
If the visitor does not download the whitepaper, we reach this group a second time through remarketing banners on other websites. This way, we hope to still activate them. By resorting to both B2C and B2B online marketing as well as remarketing, Fujirebio’s online Alzheimer’s campaign has a maximum reach.