Cross-media communication
with Stamicarbon

Adopting clear, consistent and distinctive online and offline communication is quite a challenge for a global name in innovative tech that is active in more than 80 countries. Happily Stamicarbon has been relying on our cross-media expertise for a while now.

Getting target audiences onside

Stamicarbon is a global market leader in licensing technology for the fertilizer industry. As their communication partner we give the folks there everything they need to inform, persuade and bind their target audience across various touchpoints and tools. An overview.

Digital content

If you need to share a large amount of information on a specific topic with your target audience, a whitepaper is the ideal medium. By sharing valuable digital content online you build your image as an expert and turn your website into a lead generating machine. In consultation with Stamicarbon, we published two whitepapers in an attractive layout, with easy to understand infographics, clear diagrams and high-quality visuals. Incidentally, Stamicarbon is also making a splash on social media with its weekly ‘Word of the week’. To support that we produced a set of bite-sized videos to explain certain terms that the uninitiated can sometimes find impenetrable.

Offline communication

Even in our digital world, offline communication remains essential. That’s something Stamicarbon understands. A corporate brochure tailored to local markets – a sales tool you underestimate at your peril – and stylish partitions for optimal visibility at conferences and fairs… Another deliverable the Stamicarbon folks can rely on us to provide as their full-service cross-media communication partner.