A balanced product launch
for Arega Pharma

Pharmaceutical company Arega Pharma has a new natural food supplement. We put the product on the market (and in the pharmacy) through a cross-media campaign.



Natural concept

Oxyoliva, as the new nutritional supplement from Arega Pharma is called, provides natural support for the nervous system and ensures a good mental balance. To launch it in the pharmacy and to the end consumer, they enlisted our help. Our designers created a concept image that we smoothly rolled out in online and offline communication tools. The olive tree with its widespread roots refers to the natural character of the product and its beneficial effect on our nervous system.


The power of olives

The choice of the olive tree as a campaign image (and inspiration for the packaging design) was no coincidence. Oxyoliva contains an optimized combination of olive polyphenols, vitamin C and various vitamins from the B group. From a nutritional point of view, polyphenols have the effect of powerful antioxidants. They contribute to the protection against oxidative stress and help with long-term mental exertion. Long live the olive!

Cross-media launch

We used the concept image in various online and offline tools. For example, it is the opener of the website that we created to inspire, inform and encourage people to buy Oxyoliva from the pharmacist. An interactive map indicates the nearest pharmacy based on zip code or municipality. You will also find blogs on mental wellbeing and the effects of olives on the site, written by our content creators.

We started from the concept image. After that, the packaging, the display and the other communication tools followed automatically.


Offline, we first and foremost took care of the packaging design. We then also put together the presentation and detail aid with which the sales of Arega Pharma could go out on the road to promote the product to pharmacists. A fresh display, extra gadgets (fridge magnets with "Olive your life" slogans) and a folder draw the visitor's attention in the pharmacy. In short: a balanced mix of tools for a balanced product launch!