AZ Groeninge begins a new chapter
AZ Groeninge provides high-quality care that exceeds all expectations. It also invests heavily in sustainability and innovation. The hospital reached out to thousands of visitors during the Day of Science, which focused on the innovative aspects of AZ Groeninge.
Tools to match
We created a selection of information tools to inspire the visitors and take the event to the next level. We also presented AZ Groeninge’s story in a programme leaflet and free magazine. The leaflet included a route planner and a conveniently arranged presentation of all the Day of Science activities. Crystal clear.
Magazine refresh
We gave AZ’s ‘Kwartier’ magazine a makeover in time for the event. In doing so, we took on full publishing duties, creating the content to appeal to a wide audience. It gave visitors everything they needed to form a clear impression of the hospital’s sustainability credentials, employment opportunities and innovative strength.
There was also a special section just for the kids.