DMS Update
As seen onTV N I E U W Angstig? Neerslachtig? Overspannen? De unieke& innovatieve formuledie jemoraalopkrikten jehelpthetevenwicht tussen lichaamengeest tebewaren. Blijf je emoties de baas. Meer informatiebij je ++OFF_2110-16076_ASTEL-MEDICA_Bacterelax_raamsticker_1600x540.indd 1 23/12/2021 11:32 Moody? Cross-media TV campaign Bacterelax wanted to reach the widest possible audience in Dutch and French, so we oriented our media strategy primarily towardsTV commercials.We made two commercials starring the emojis for broadcast onVTM and RTL. They are also available to watch on the digital platforms of the two popular channels and feature as banner videos on HLN. be and . It was no surprise that the cross-mediaTV campaign, which is also set to hit the socials, launched on Monday 17 January, a.k.a. Blue Monday, the most depressing day of the year. 6 UPDATE 57
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