DMS Update

Stressed? Moody? Depressed? Fearful? BRANDING & CAMPAIGNS | SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING | ABOVE-THE-LINE | GRAPHIC DESIGN | VIDEO & MOTIONGRAPHICS Launching a new nutritional supplement? We have the ideal formula: take a great idea, develop it in a powerful visual and ensure it evokes the right emotions in your target groups. It’s how we put a face to Astel Medica’s Bacterelax. BACTERELAX LAUNCH EVOKES THE RIGHT EMOTIONS Product launch with a smile Stressed, moody, fearful, depressed? Bacterelax boosts your moral and helps you find the right balance between body and spirit. Astel Medica’s new nutritional supplement is a simple and effective way to combat mood swings in a gentle, natural way. To convince consumers, we gave the launch campaign a super recognisable face… with a big smile! Eye-catching emojis After an intense workshop and a series of briefings to establish what could and couldn’t be said or shown (it’s a health product after all), we devised a striking emoji concept. Emoticons enabled us to get over the right expressions and emotions in a visually simple way, linked to the effect the nutritional supplement has on people. The message: Bacterelax helps you keep your emotions under control and get back on track when you’re feeling a little down. The visual of the woman with changing emoji moods was shot in our studio and then processed in detail in 3D. The result is on all communication tools. UPDATE 57 4

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