DMS Update

A craving for communication. Surely that’s going to be this year’s key concept. Because, let’s be honest, 2021 has shown just how crucial powerful, strategic, creative communication is: to generate leads, drive the digital transformation, reconnectwithcustomers,createpleasantworkspacesandrecruitnewtalent.Get yourselfnoticedwithsomecommunicationpyrotechnics.Inthisissueyoucanread about howwe helped just some of our clients leave 2021 with a bang – hopefully it will serve as inspiration. Because we’re standing by to light the fuse and make this a firecracker of a Happy NewYear for you. Looking to power up your brand? Begin 2022 at Arne Dacquin 44 60 24 LIVE - ABB 10 - Energia 32 - Pattyn 35 - Conway 43 - Orfit 48 - Ibens 54 - RijBatterij 56 36 ONLINE - Tom & Dellas 8 -Vandekerckhove 17 -VMANAGER 18 - Oosterlinck 23 - Pomuni 28 - Indaver 36 - Addax 38 - Deba Pharma 39 - Candras Foundation 42 - AEG 44 - Mervielde 59 HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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