DMS Update
D’M & S is a communication group with a whole host of departments. It would be impossible to give all our projects the attention they deserve. But we can offer a quick survey. AERZEN BONDSWITH THE CUSTOMER Aerzen, a global player in energy-efficient blowers and screw compressors, is focused on innovation... without losing sight of the customer. Its content marketing is a tailored response to the needs and wants of its target groups.We helped Aerzen with a content workshop, identifying the target groups and their needs and interests.We then supplied the content, which we distributed through LinkedIn at regular times. MORE TRAFFIC TO HUDSON HR services provider Hudson has a dedicated website for its outplacement services at . Visitors can find information about outplacement and career support there. They are also encouraged to contact Hudson.We developed an activating online marketing strategy to promote the website. After an in-depth keyword analysis, our digital marketers and content creators wrote a series of blog posts.We use online advertising and posts on social media to entice interested people to the website. Because more traffic means more leads. THE BRAND NEW ESWA STYLE The European Single PlyWaterproofing Association (ESWA) is an umbrella organisation representing the interests of Europe’s waterproofing membrane manufacturers.We upgraded ESWA’s brand identity with a new logo and corporate visual identity refresh. As well as looking good, it also reflects the sustainable ambitions of ESWA and its members. ASSAABLOY RECRUITSONLINE Service technicians find a home at ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems. But how do you find them when they are so scarce on the job market? To that end, we created an attractive job website, techniekergezocht. be , to help candidates and ASSA ABLOY find each other. To ensure the right profiles know about the site, we run regular recruitment campaigns on social media targeted to specific profiles and regions. Recruitment in a digital world works for ASSA ABLOY. MIDES BECOMES ENGI TALENTS Engineering office MIDES is 25 years old. The anniversary was celebrated with... a change of name. It’s now known as Engi Talents.We showcased our own cross-media talents to spread the news to all employees, business contacts and customers in Belgium and the Netherlands. We updated the website and created a concept to inform the target groups and persuade them of the added value of the ‘new’ MIDES. A 25th anniversary brochure was the icing on the cake. 70 BRIEF. UPDATE 54
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