DMS Update
After a successful online and offline image campaign we continue to spread the news about Tyles with compelling content, through the right channel at the right time. STYLISH LAUNCH FOR TYLES ONLINE MARKETING | CONTENT MARKETING Customised content by target group What information is your target group looking for?What are they interested in? How do you grab their interest? And how do you make sure they hear your message? People are targeted with information 24/7, so it’s essential to stay in touch with the market and deliver content that appeals to your target group. For tile specialist Tyles, we harnessed the advantages of target group-specific content marketing as used in the ‘My style my tile’ campaign. Inspiring and informing Proper preparation is where everything starts.We therefore begin by creating a content calendar for theTyles website and social media channels.We keep the brand in the minds of the target group and direct potential customers to the website with blog articles and posts on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. As well as the 'always on' campaign we run targeted ads before and after the Tyles campaign weeks with personalised posts for a specific Tyles expert and region. Increasing footfall at theTyles showrooms. 45 TYLES
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