DMS Update
CONCEPT | WEBSITE | POS Launching a new natural nutritional supplement on the consumer market calls for a cross-media approach. Which just happens to be our métier. Online and offline partner Pharmaceutical company Arega Pharma developed a natural nutritional supplement for recreational athletes. It’s slated for an early 2021 launch in pharmacies under the brand name Myotop. Our job was to give it a running start. Our cross-media team rose to the challenge, creating the ideal concept visual for use in various tools: counter display, a sales leaflet to persuade pharmacists to stock Myotop and an attractive website. Nature the main ingredient Myotop is a natural nutritional supplement with pomegranate, creatine and an original blend of vitamins. Just add water to drink during or after your workout. It helps enhance muscle strength and performance in combination with physical exercise and a healthy diet.We designed a concept visual based on the product’s natural properties. A runner takes up a string of pomegranates as he runs, boosting his energy. The natural setting strengthens the message. MUSCULAR PRODUCT LAUNCH FOR AREGA PHARMA 4 UPDATE 54
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