DMS Update

Think first, act later Tasked with strengthening ties with fitters in France and better responding to their needs, we started by taking the time to find out what the target group found important.We organised various workshops and started a dialogue with the fitters. This strategic exercise helped us gather a lot of information about what they find important and insights into the specific needs of existing and potential customers. Creative twist It was then the turn of our creative team to get to work, in words and pictures. The innovative high-quality Rockfon products help fitters deliver fantastic work. They are the real Rockfon heroes.We heralded them as Rockfon Superpros. The best fitters need the best brands behind them. With that in mind, we depicted the fitter as a superhero, standing in front of the Rockfon logo, which doubles as a cape. Stills and videos We then developed the concept in stills and videos.We shot a fitter in his role as hero and produced two videos, each from a different perspective. In the mood video, we see the fitter as a Rockfon Superpro, the hero of the day, to win him or her over for the concept. In the other video we explain visually what the fitter has to do to become a Rockfon Superpro, taking the fitter through the various steps on the online platform.We also developed a clutch of online tools to support the Rockfon sales team, including a stylish sales organiser. Watch the video “ The fitter is depicted as a superhero, standing in front of the Rockfon logo doubling as a cape. “ 39 ROCKFON

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