DMS Update
Head start With Start to Freelance USG Professionals targets twenty- and thirtysomethings with a few years’ experience in the fields of engineering, science, ICT, HR, legal and finance. Young guns with practical knowledge who are attracted to the freedom that freelancing offers. But how do you take the step? It’s a lot of work. Not just in terms of paperwork. You also have to find clients. USG Professionals wants to help them get off to a flyer with Start to Freelance – and we took that as the inspiration for our campaign visual. The training sessions give potential freelancers the lowdown on the world of freelancing, access to the USG Professionals networks and a pathway to interesting opportunities. From there, you’re just a leap of faith away from unfettering your career – see our second campaign visual. Online & social marketing The visuals (and the label we designed specially for the project) have also been used on the landing page. As well as the technical aspects, we also provided the content. To drive traffic and encourage leads to make contact through the website, we also developed an online marketing strategy. Search engine advertising (SEA), email and social marketing were central to that strategy. Because digital natives are best approached online. Go figure. With the groundwork done, we got on with the work of building Start to Freelance into a full-fledged platform for emerging freelancers. CONCEPT | CONTENT | WEBSITE ONLINE MARKETING | SOCIAL MARKETING USG PUTS THE FREE IN FREELANCER How do you launch a new service for potential customers in such a way that they buy in to it? By speaking your target group’s language and reaching out to them through the right channel. Ready, set, go! 37 USG
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