DMS Update
CONCEPT | CONTENT | GRAPHIC DESIGN CEWEZ RAISES AWARENESS Cewez is the association of companies that employ port workers at the Port of Zeebrugge and elsewhere. Safety is a top priority for Cewez, which is why they asked us to create a visually arresting campaign. We had a clear vision for the visual. Clear, positive message We have form when it comes to safety campaigns to warn port workers of the dangers of alcohol and drugs at work. We have already created a number of successful awareness campaigns for Cewez. On absenteeism, for instance. This time, the goal was spreading the message that working under the influence at the port is never acceptable – for your own safety and the safety of others. Cewez is ready to help anyone who has issues. Doubling down on the visual The double vision of a port worker clearly conveys the message that everyone working at a port has a responsibility to stay focused on the job. The visual, which will be used in a poster campaign and on leaflets, has everyone taking a second look. Ensuring the message hits home. Subtle warning Another goal of the campaign was to notify the target group that unannounced on-the-job alcohol and drugs testing is possible at any time, so we added a reference to tests. Understated, not in your face. Because the aim is to raise awareness, not point fingers. “ The campaign visual deftlygets across the zero tolerance policy with regard to alcohol and drugs on building sites. “ 35 CEWEZ
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