DMS Update
20 17.5 27 10 70 10 Design and brand guidelines The big challenge was persuading all employees of a top-two producer of PIR insulation boards in Europe, in every country in which UNILIN Insulation is active, to consistently adopt the design and brand guidelines. Everyone had to follow the same rules and present the brand in the same way. That is key to making the right impression. And presenting the right image. But that can be quite a challenge.With that in mind, we put the new design and brand guidelines down on paper, creating a quick reference guide that everyone could check at any times. The manual shows exactly how logos, fonts, colours, icons, graphical elements and photos should be used in various media. That makes it much easier to create compliant brochures, banners, business cards, letterhead, e-newsletters, social posts and more. More importantly, it ensures UNILIN Insulation communicates in a clear and consistent way, from Belgium to Sweden. PRIMARY COLOUR PALETTE CMYK 100 75 15 21 UNILINDarkblue 1003600 1240950 300 123 UNILINLightblue UNILINYellow UNILINGlass PANTONE RAL NCS 654C 5002 S4050-R90B 7461C 124C 628C 5015 S 2060-R90B 1032 S 2060-Y10R RGB 662 119 0 122 195 226 161 26 186 221 225 LAB #063e77 #007ac3 #e2a11a #badde1 CMYK PANTONE RGB LAB SECONDARY COLOUR PALETTE 60 20 Glass 1 15060 300 1230 Glass 2 Glass3 20%628C 50%628C 5503C 243 250 251 224 241 243 149 176 179 #f3fafb #e0f1f3 #95b0b3 TERTIARY COLOUR PALETTE CMYK PANTONE RGB LAB 0000 White 200080 2000 100 - ScreenBlack DarkGrey PrintBlack - 7540C Processblack - 255 255 255 728186 - 000 #ffffff #485156 - #000000 WALL / CAVITY WALL FACADE FLAT ROOF SLOPING ROOF DORMER WINDOW FLOOR ATTIC CEILING BASEMENT 100 50 100 50 18 UPDATE 54
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