DMS Update
Highest mast in the Benelux The aim of Elia’s Brabo project is to safeguard the power supply at the Port of Antwerp. The high-voltage line over the Scheldt has masts reaching no less than 192 metres into the sky, the highest in the Benelux. The line was officially taken into use this summer. There were intensive drills in the preceding months to ensure optimal safety on the site. We organised a spectacular evacuation drill in one of the high-voltage masts. Mayor Bart DeWever attended the drill, climbing the mast with the assistance of Antwerp fire department. Covid-secure event Organising an event during a pandemic asked a lot of our team. But they stepped up to the plate: planning, press contacts and coordination – everything was taken care of. The attendees, fewer than normal of course, enjoyed breakfast in the presence of the mayor and the press, while the drill itself went very well, helped by the strict rules and regulations. All told, it was a successful day for everyone concerned. For transmission network operator Elia safety is the number one priority. They called in our event team to organise a spectacular evacuation drill in the new high-voltage mast at the Port of Antwerp. We ensured everything went smoothly and safely. To the satisfaction of the mayor. SAFETY FIRST AT ELIA PRESS EVENT | EMPLOYER BRANDING | PUBLISHING | PRINT 12 UPDATE 54
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